The Roseville Mennonite Cemetery is adjacent to the Detweiler Mennonite Meetinghouse, and is operated by Detweiler Meetinghouse Inc. It is an active cemetery, with plots available in this scenic rural setting. The cemetery board hopes to expand the cemetery in the future.
For information about the cemetery contact Richard Heintz at cell: 519-588-3963, or email:
Schedule of Fees
Full Lot Price $2100
Cremation Lot Price $900
Care & Maintenance charges per Ontario Government Regulations
(Taken from the Lot Price at time of purchase)
Full Grave Opening & Closing $1100
Cremation Opening & Closing $450
Care & Maintenance Fee of Monuments
Flat Markers of 172 sq. in.* $100
Monuments 48 inches and under in width and height * $200
Monuments over 48 inches in width and height * $400
** All heights include the 8” granite base
Fee for marking location & inspection of foundations $130
Weekend, Holiday & Winter Services
(full burial) $500
(Cremation & Infant) $200
(Weekend/Holiday Fees are in addition to the regular fee schedule)

Photos by Richard Heintz
Please click on the download button below if you wish to download a copy of the Roseville Mennonite Cemetery pricing sheet.
Roseville Mennonite Cemetery By-Laws
Please click on the download button below if you wish to download a copy of the By-Laws of the Roseville Mennonite Cemetery.